Athlete/Performer Clinics are interactive presentations designed to provide athletes and performers with effective performance enhancement strategies to achieve peak performance. Common topics covered include:
  • Developing mental toughness
  • Enhancing emotional control
  • Bouncing back after a mistake or poor performance
  • Visualization for success
  • Staying relaxed in pressure situations
  • Creating Performance Routines
  • Using Positive self-talk
  • Pre-game Preparation
Athlete/Performer Clinics last 1 hour and Workshops last 3 hours.


Coaching/Leadership Clinics are interactive presentations designed to provide coaches and leaders with effective strategies to enhance athlete/performer and team performance. Common topics covered include:
  • Motivating unmotivated athletes/performers
  • Building mental toughness
  • How to communicate effectively with athletes/performers
  • Building confidence in athletes/performers
  • Using performance imagery for team success
  • Building resiliency in athletes/performers
  • Effective team building strategies
  • Success in coaching youth athletes
Coaching/Leadership Clinics last 1 hour while Workshops are 3 hours in length.


Parent Clinics are interactive presentations designed to provide parents and caregivers the most up-to-date educational information on how to help their son or daughter perform well and enjoy their sport experience.  Common topics covered include:
  • Healthy motivation from youth through high school sports
  • Building confident and resilient young athletes
  • Teaching positive self-talk strategies
  • How to provide both emotional and informationl supportive
  • Helpful hints on effective communication strategies with young athletes
  • How to help make the transition from high school to college sports
Parent Clinics last 1 hour and Parent Workshops last 3 hours.